This document serves as your receipt. It should be saved in a safe location. It is strongly recommended that you print and save a hard copy of this receipt.
Purchase Date: «PCHDAT»
Purchase Method: «PMETHD»
Credit Card Type: «CCTYPE»
Credit Card Number: «CCNUMB»
Expiration Date: «CCEXPD»
Reinstalling Your Software
In the unlikely event you need to reinstall this software on your computer, the information below is required to convert the software from trialware back into standard software. Please save this file in a safe location.
1. Install «PNAM01» as you did originally.
2. The next time you attempt to use the software it will bring up a window with four choices: “Quit”, “Enter Unlock Code”, “Demo”, and “Purchase”.
3. Click on “Enter Unlock Code”.
4. In the window that appears, you must enter the information EXACTLY as it appears below
First Name: «FSTNAM»
Middle Initial: «MIDNAM»
Last Name: «LSTNAM»
Unlock Code: «UNLKCD»
5. Click on “Unlock”. The software will be converted from trialware into standard software.